
Hannu Salama: Kosti Herhiläisen perunkirjoitus
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∙ Current position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
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Monday, February 09, 2004

(Family and kin) "Skirt breeze"

Not that this piece of news (Media Daum) was so important, but it was interesting to see the term "skirt breeze" or "skirt wind" (ch'imaparam 치맛바람) in a story about the increasing number of applications for a postponed grammar school entrance. Skirt wind refers to the activities of women, especially concerning their children, and it's not that positive in tone. In this case, "skirt wind" is taken to mean the women's increasing concerns over the appropriate age of school entry and the increasing pleas to doctors to write a diagnosis in favor of school entry postponement. The reasons are said to be the worries over how the often sole child of the family will do in school, will she be bullied or left behind in grades, and the postponed entry is supposed to help the parents (read: the mother) to prepare the child better.
서울 신사동 S소아과와 개포동 P소아과도 멀쩡한 아이를 데려와 진단서 를 떼 달라는 사례가 지난 1개월 동안 평균 3, 4건 정도. 서울 수유리 L소아과 이모 원장은 “대체로 찾아오는 아이들이 정상인 경우가 많아 취학을 권하지만 부모 의지가 워낙 강할 때는 ‘학습능력 저하’로 진단서를 써주기도 한다”며 “때로 완강한 부모와 서로 얼굴 을 붉히는 경우도 있다”고 밝혔다.
Hagwon keepers must be laughing all the way to the bank.

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